Virtual Workplace
Technology Management

Virtual Workplace
The meaning of Virtual work place is having the ability to accomplish work anywhere be it at home, in an office, in a restaurant, on vacation or wherever. The main means of completing virtual work is via the internet. Work can be accomplished without regards to geographic location for; for example an employee in Germany can communicate with another employee in China via the internet. Accomplishing work this way can be very beneficial to a company allowing a company to hire the best talent no matter where they person is located. Germany is a country that has been increasing the number of internet users in the year 2000 the population of Germany was 82,238,600 and the number of internet users was 24,000,000 which is only 29.2% of the population used the internet. In the year 2007 the population was 82,509,037 and the number of internet users was 50,426,117 which is 61.1%. As you can tell from these numbers internet usage in Germany has increased dramatically over the past seven years.

Technology Management
Germany is a country that seems to be very open to the idea of new ventures, joint ventures and foreign ventures. If one goes to a search engine and types in Germany new ventures or Germany joint ventures or Germany foreign ventures there will be a list of websites which shows many of the fallowing business ventures. Germany is well known for it technology or German engineering in the auto industry. Many of these business like Jett, Passat, BMW, Porsche, and Audi are located here in America and are some of the most driven and reliable cars on the market. In other technology markets Germany has room for improvement, but Germans are open to the idea of new ventures.