Introduction to
Germany has a population of 82,369,548 people. Germany’s current population growth is -0.044%. The median age is 43.4 years. Life expectancy is 79.1 years. The death rate in Germany is 0.0108%. Ethnic groups in Germany vary but include: German 91.5%, Turkish 2.4%, and 6.1%. The language spoken in Germany is German. The literacy rate in Germany is 99%.
Germany is a country that has many well recognized people; many of which were: writers, composers, and philosophers. Some of these well known people are: Goethe, Bach, Beethoven, and Schiller.
These are some of the interesting facts about Germany. Throughout the remainder of the year I will be adding various pieces of information; this information will help both of us in becoming familiar with Germany. The links will be listed as a Germany and related links at the bottom of the page. I hope this web page will help both of us develop a love for Germany.
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